The Punk / Folk group gently entice the listener to appreciate the subtle folk sounds they utilise. The input of female vocals, especially in Burnt Matches comes across as so angelic that the track could be comfortably played in a church. Athough the vocals are great, the instrumentation is really atmospheric and
The simplistic melody Ducking Punches give them a very natural and approachable quality, especially with anger and irony based lyrics, such as "You're the worm in the apple". Being fundamentally Indie, Ducking Puncheshave a great commercial appeal to a wide audience and the input of gang vocals reflects how hard the band have worked on the production of this EP, as well as how relaxed they are musically. It is as if the flair comes naturally to them.
Through the astonishing sucess of the likes of Frank Turner over recent years, there is a fantastic available market for Indie and Folk lovers to fall in love with this band. Chirpy lyrics and wonderfully rythmic melodies build up to melodramatic riffs blended with the effortless vocals, made authentic by a Peterborough accent.
I Am Artuto Bandini? has been availiable since the 6th of July this year and Marching Among Giants reflects how hard Ducking Punches have worked on this EP, as well as the fact that the lead vocalist often gigs on his own as a solo artist, relfected in his strength throughout the record.
With their angry and emotionally driven style, the group have composed the tracks through their simple love of the Indie and Punk styles of music, moulded by their rich talents and hard work together.