Friday 9 May 2014

Dinner at Richmond's Newest Steakhouse

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I were lucky to spot one of the best and most well-hidden eateries I have ever been to. This restaurant is a hidden gem if ever I saw one!
Situated in one of Richmond's tiniest crannies, this restaurant boasts immaculate wood-inspired décor, great service, and most importantly, spectacular food.
Now any foodie knows that if you're after steak when eating out, you're expected to pay a fair price for good quality meat cooked to your personal specifications; but this restaurant not only provides the latter, but also charges a fairly reasonable sum for such a great plate of food. (Prices ranging from £15.50-£148 for steaks- £148 being a 2kg steak. Wow.)
As I like my steak medium rare, I was delighted to discover that when my meal arrived, it was wonderfully cooked and teamed with the most beautifully seasoned chips I have ever eaten. Topped with rosemary and garlic, the crispy fries were presented in a small metal bucket so as not to be mixed with the steak too much.
Although I had to fork out an unexpected couple of pounds for a scrummy sauce to accompany my dinner, it was utterly worth it as the cheese sauce I chose was perfectly thing and very flavoursome without being overpowering. I highly recommend a visit to this place if you're ever out and about in London.

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